Procurement and Supply Chain

Sustainable procurement requires us to work in partnership with suppliers and the supply chain to take into account the whole lifecycle, environmental, social and ethical impact of procured goods and services. The products and materials used in delivering health and care are procured from all over the world. An environmentally and socially responsible procurement approach provides an opportunity to enhance health and wellbeing globally as well as in the UK.

Launch of the Environmental Model Question:

NHSScotland is trialling an Environmental Question as part of our tendering process.

The files below will provide all the information required including the in scope frameworks that will be included as part of the six month trial.

Environmental Model Question Pilot: update – June 2024

Environmental Model Question Guidance – April 2024

Environmental Model Question – FAQs – April 2024

A presentation providing further information can be found below:

Environmental Model Question – Presentation slides – December 2023

Environmental assessment in product tendering (


Sustainable Procurement Duty Tools

Tools to help public sector organisations comply with the sustainable procurement duty.

View resource

Sustainable Public Procurement in Scotland

Implementing sustainable procurement practices in the public sector

View resource

Climate change adaptation: sustainable procurement guidance

Guidance for public bodies covering the purchase of supplies and services that may be vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

View resource